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Asset and CMS Relevance

It may be beneficial to have the possibility to single out systems relevant for asset stock management or configuration management

This distinction can be made at the system class level:

  • Asset Relevance

    Open a system class for editing and set the 'Asset relevant' check box to True. Save the changes.

    Consequently, all systems of all system types belonging to this system class will be considered relevant for asset stock management.

  • CMS Relevance

    Open a system class for editing and set the 'CMS relevant' check box to True. Save the changes.

    Consequently, all systems of all system types belonging to this system class will be considered relevant for configuration management.

Note that asset relevance and CMS relevance are not mutually exclusive, a system class can be labeled as both asset and CMS relevant.

Asset and CMS relevance in use

  • In System Class catalogs, looking at/filtering by columns 'Asset relevant' and 'CMS relevant' provides an immediate overview of how asset and configuration relevance has been defined in the given environment.
  • In System catalogs, attributes 'Asset relevant' and 'CMS relevant' are part of the Expert Search view and can be used to specify a search condition displaying asset and/or configuration relevant systems.
  • The 'Operation' folder of the 'IT Asset Manager' and 'IT Asset Support' sidebar contains catalog 'Asset Systems'. The catalog displays all asset relevant systems directly, i.e. without the need to specify any filtering condition.

Examples of asset and CMS relevance in standard Valuemation

The following examples of asset relevance / CMS relevance designation can be found in the set of standard Valuemation system classes:

  • System class 'IT Application' is deemed CMS relevant but not asset relevant.

    System class 'IT Application' in standard Valuemation includes system types 'Application', 'Application Server' and 'Database Management System'.

  • System class 'IT Stock' is deemed asset relevant but not CMS relevant.

    System class 'IT Stock' in standard Valuemation includes system types 'SW Pool', 'Stock' and 'Stock: Booked out'.

  • System class 'IT Server' is deemed both asset relevant and CMS relevant.

    System class 'IT Server' in standard Valuemation includes system types such as 'Server UNIX', 'Server Linux', 'Server Windows' or 'Server Windows Virtual'.

    Note: These are examples of standard Valuemation data used for illustration purposes, data in individual environments are likely to differ.

See Also

Beyond the Basics


Data Check

System Reports


Configuration Baseline

DML Integration

System Downtime Calendar

System Availability and Business Impact

History Records

Authorization Groups and Roles