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Targeted Measures

An evaluation input can reference one or more Targeted Measures. Targeted measures represent tasks that should be performed to ensure proper evaluation.

To create a new targeted measure for an evaluation input, open the evaluation input and call action 'Add new Targeted Measure' in the 'Targeted Measures' tab. The Targeted Measure editor opens.

Targeted Measure: Important Attributes

  • Targeted Measure

    Name of the targeted measure

  • Type

    The type of action to be taken as the targeted measure. predefined types include 'Phone Call, 'Emailing', 'Registered Letter', 'Service Review Meeting', 'Negotiation'.

    Multiple targeted measures of the same type are allowed within one evaluation input.

  • Status

    Throughout the evaluation process, the targeted measure goes through a succession of defined statuses set by corresponding status actions. See 'Status Diagram - Targeted Measure'. A newly created targeted measure receives status 'Planned'. Action 'Activate' fill in the 'Activated On' attribute and changes the status of the measure to 'Active'.

  • Planned Date

    Planned date for the action to be taken. This attribute is mandatory.

  • Activated On

    Targeted measures can be specified in advance to be put in use at a later date by 'activating' the measure. Attribute 'Activated On' records the date of measure activation.

    To activate a targeted measure, use the 'Activate' button at the bottom of the editor.

  • Review Date

    It is possible to have an escalation watch over the targeted measure fulfillment. This escalation will be triggered on the 'Review Date'. Specifying 'Review Date' is optional. (This way a planned date can be specified without any escalation to be triggered.)

  • Description

    The targeted measure content, instructions on the action to be taken.

  • Person Responsible / Supportgroup

    Either a person or a support group may be specified as responsible for the targeted measure execution.

Tab: Evaluation Input

The tab contains information referenced from the evaluation input for which the targeted measure has been created.

See Also

Supplier Manager Structure

Business Partner - Supplier

Business Partner Category

Business Partner Graduation

Process Role

Process Relevance Group

Evaluable Competency

Evaluation Input

Observation - Observation Type
