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Evaluation is calculated on the basis of evaluation inputs provided by one or more evaluators within a period of time specified by evaluation attributes 'Calculated From' and 'Calculated To'. For example, three evaluators may evaluate the supplier in three-month intervals. The evaluation of the supplier for the whole year will be calculated from 3 times 4 evaluation inputs (3 - the number of evaluators, 4 - the number of evaluation periods within one year).

An evaluation is calculated in the following way:

  1. All evaluation inputs provided for the supplier within the evaluation period are examined
  2. Each evaluable competency used in at least one of the evaluation inputs is taken into account
  3. For each of these competencies, a competency evaluation is calculated as a weighted average of all inputs.

Each competency evaluation maintains links to the contributing evaluation items so that the source of the evaluation can always be backtracked.

Evaluation: Attributes

  • The Evaluated

    Evaluated object. In the context of Supplier Manager, business partners of 'Supplier' type are evaluated. However, objects of other Valuemation object types can also be subject to evaluation, see point (9) 'The Evaluated' in topic 'Supplier Manager Structure'.

  • Calculated From / Calculated To

    Period of time for which the evaluation is calculated from evaluation inputs.

  • Comments

    Field for optional additional comments to the evaluation.

  • Average Evaluation

    The result of the calculation.

Evaluation: Reference Catalogs

  • Competencies

    List of competency evaluations (evaluation items). Each competency evaluation sums up evaluations provided (for the given supplier and the Calculated From - Calculated To period) for the corresponding evaluable competency.

    For example: Three evaluators contribute to the evaluation. Evaluator 'X' evaluated competencies 'a', 'b', 'c', evaluators 'Y' and 'Z' evaluated competencies 'a', 'c' and 'e'. As a result, the 'Competencies' list will contain competency evaluations of competencies 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'e'. Evaluated competency 'a' will be calculated from inputs provided by evaluators 'X', 'Y' and 'Z' while e.g. evaluated competency 'e' will be calculated from inputs provided only by evaluators 'Y' and 'Z'.

  • History: All Evaluation

    A list of all evaluations performed for the supplier so far.

Action 'Recalculate'

If additional, new evaluation inputs have been created within the evaluation period, action 'Recalculate' updates the evaluation calculation. As a result the 'Average Evaluation' value and some of the competency evaluations will change.

See Also

Supplier Manager Structure

Business Partner - Supplier

Business Partner Category

Business Partner Graduation

Process Role

Process Relevance Group

Evaluable Competency

Evaluation Input

Targeted Measures

Observation - Observation Type