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Observation - Observation Type

An evaluation input item (aka 'Competency Evaluation Input') can contain so called 'Observations'. The intention is to provide the evaluating person with a tool for recording comments and other information relevant for each competency.

The approach to observations is structured. Predefined 'Observation Types' are provided and assigned to 'Evaluable Competencies'. Observation types linked to a competency determine what questions (criteria) can be used to obtain information for evaluating the competency. Observations are answers to these questions associated the evaluation input item based on the competency.

For instance, if evaluable competency 'Quality of Invoicing' has an observation type named 'Invoice delivery on time' assigned to it, then an evaluation input item based on 'Quality of Invoicing' will allow observations of the 'Invoice delivery on time' type to be provided in its 'Observations' reference catalog.

Observations can be used either directly during the evaluation process (i.e. called for each evaluable competency) or independently on the regular evaluation process (comments in the form of 'Observation' records put to a planned supplier evaluation). One evaluation input item record can have many observation records even with the same observation type but belonging to the related evaluable competency.

Observation: Important Attributes

  • Observation Type

    Type of the observation. Select one of existing observation types.

  • Observation (Name), Shorttext, Description

    Textual information about the observation, observation content.

  • Date created, Creator / Supportgroup

    Information about the creation of the observation.

  • Evaluation Input Item

    The competency evaluation input for which the observation has been created.

See Also

Supplier Manager Structure

Business Partner - Supplier

Business Partner Category

Business Partner Graduation

Process Role

Process Relevance Group

Evaluable Competency

Evaluation Input

Targeted Measures
