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Evaluable Competency

Objects of the 'Evaluable Competency' object type represent individual qualities of the business partner performance. 'Delivery Reliability', 'Willingness to Negotiate' or 'Problem Support' are examples of evaluable competencies defined in standard Valuemation.

Two types of evaluable competencies exist:

  • Standard Competencies

    Evaluable competencies used by the Supplier Management functionality described in this chapter. These competencies are evaluated by "real" evaluating persons on the basis of observed supplier performance. Standard competencies can be recognized by 'ST' prefix in their 'Competency No.' attribute.

  • Special Competencies

    Evaluable competencies used for evaluation in the context of Valuemation 'Service Request Manager'. These competencies are evaluated by the application itself on the basis of incoming goods data. Special competencies can be recognized by 'SP' prefix in their 'Competency No.' attribute.

    Examples of special competencies are 'Conditions of Packaging', 'Conditions of Item' or 'In-Time Delivery'.

Important Attributes and Relations

  • Evaluated Object Type

    Each individual evaluable competency is prepared for evaluation of a specific object type. For instance 'Response Time on Request' can be evaluated for a person as well as business partner and for each of these object types a separate evaluable competency exists.

    Use the 'Evaluated Object Type' attribute to select the object type for which the competency is being defined. 'Business Partner', 'Person' and 'Service' are the most commonly evaluated object types but evaluable competencies for 'System', 'Ticket' or 'Request' can also be found in standard Valuemation.

  • Evaluated Objects Subset

    'Evaluated Objects Subset' makes it possible to further fine-tune which objects of the above selected object type will be evaluated. For instance, to create evaluable competency for use with suppliers only, 'Evaluated Objects Subset' must contain condition specifying 'businesspartType == 'SUPPLIER'.

    Use the 'Set Condition' button at the bottom of the 'Evaluable Competency' editor to specify the condition.

  • Input

    When evaluation input is created, competencies available for the given object type are used in it. The 'Input' attribute determines the 'behaviour' of each evaluable competency in the following way:

    • Mandatory

      The competency is included and its input is mandatory for submission of the whole evaluation input.

    • Optional: Listed Always

      The competency is included but its input is not mandatory.

    • Optional: Only Added by Evaluator

      The competency is not automatically included but it can be added manually. Its input is not mandatory.

    • No (Disabled) or Special

      The input will be provided by calculation. For use with 'Special Competencies'.

  • Evaluation Type

    The type of evaluation: Percentage, Grade (1-6) or Yes/No input.

  • Calculation
    • Standard

      The type of calculation used in Supplier Management. A predefined mathematical formula using individual evaluation inputs and their weights to calculate the final evaluation.

    • Special

      The type of calculation used on the basis of Incoming Goods in Service Request Management.

  • Competency Weight

    The coefficient used for this competency in weighted average calculation. This way individual competencies may be given different 'importances'.

  • Inputs Duration-Weighted

    If selected, then the evaluation calculation is weighted not only using competency weight but also by the length of evaluation period.

  • Sum-up to BO Type

    If the evaluation should be propagated to an additional object type, select the object type in the 'Sum-up to BO Type' attribute. For instance, evaluation calculated for a supplier may also be used for the supplier's contact person.

  • Sum-up -> Evaluated Path

    Select the relation pointing from the evaluated object type to the object type to which the evaluation will be propagated. Relevant when 'Sum-up to BO Type' is enabled.

  • Order

    Determines the order/position in which the Competency appears in the Evaluation Input.

Reference catalogs:

  • Competency Evaluations

    Reference catalog listing evaluations (evaluation items) already performed for the competency.

  • Competency Evaluation Inputs

    Reference catalog listing individual evaluation input items already created on the basis of the competency.

  • Observation Questions for Competency

    Reference catalog for administration of observation types used with the evaluable competency.

    Observation types linked to a competency determine what observations can be used to obtain and register information for evaluating the competency.

See Also

Supplier Manager Structure

Business Partner - Supplier

Business Partner Category

Business Partner Graduation

Process Role

Process Relevance Group

Evaluation Input

Targeted Measures

Observation - Observation Type
