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Scheduled Archiving

Scheduled Archiving (Without Data Rules)

In addition to manual archiving it is also possible to schedule the archiving process. This can be done by using workflow activity 'Archive Objects' (see below for more information) as a subworkflow run by an escalation or by the Action Scheduler.

  • 'Archive Objects' activity

    Catalog action 'Archive Objects' runs the 'Archive objects' workflow. The workflow consists of workflow activities 'Start from Catalog' and 'Archive Objects'.

    • 'Start from Catalog' determines which archive configuration will be used for the archiving
    • 'Archive Objects' takes care of the actual archiving.

      Activity 'Archive Objects' can be used as a subworkflow run by an escalation or by the Action Scheduler.

      Note that when the 'Archive Objects' activity is run without specifying an archive configuration, then all currently enabled archive configurations are used.

  • Schedule Frequency

    When considering the frequency of scheduled archiving, take into account the speed with which data of the archived object types become obsolete or otherwise fulfill the archiving condition. Archiving on a once-a-day basis will probably be the highest frequency in most business scenarios.

Archiving by Data Rules

Together with data anonymization and deletion, archiving can be performed as a data rule action available within the Data Protection Manager. Note that the DPM must be licensed for the functionality to be available.

See Also

Running the Archive Action

Archiving Simulation

Manual Archiving