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Manual Archiving

Actual archiving is performed by running the 'Archive Objects' action. Note that the action is only available for archiving configurations that are enabled.

  1. Open the 'Archiving Configuration' catalog.
  2. Right-click an enabled archive configuration and call action 'Archive Objects'.
  3. The archiving is performed. The process is visible in the Valuemation Console and a new Archive Log object for the archiving is created. This information can be used to confirm that the desired result has been achieved.

Interrupted Archiving

If the archiving process is interrupted, no damage is done to the data as the operation must be run in its entirety for the data to be committed. However, the interrupted archiving remains registered as 'In progress' in the archive log which prevents the same archive configuration from being used again.

If trying to run archiving after it has been interrupted yields no results, do the following:

  1. Open the 'Data Log' catalog.
  2. Locate the log object pertaining to the interrupted archiving.
  3. Right-click the log object. If the archiving is still registered as 'In progress', the context menu contains action 'Set Timeout'. Call this action to change the status of the archiving from 'In progress' to 'Timeout'.

    It should be possible now to perform the archiving again.

See Also

Running the Archive Action

Archiving Simulation

Scheduled Archiving