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Running the Archive Action

Once the archive database schema exists and one or more archive configurations have been created, it is possible to perform the following actions:

It is possible to distinguish between two different "archiving situations":

  • First archiving

    The very first, initial data archiving after the functionality has been set up can be expected to deal with a huge amount of data. The complexity and time requirements of the operation are the reasons why indexing is excluded from the archiving process.

    In order to realize the benefits of archiving, the following database operations should be performed after the initial archiving:

    • Restore indexing on the archive schema

      This will improve search times in the archive.

    • Shrink the main schema
    • Update database statistics on the main schema

      Only after these two steps have been performed, the main goal of archiving - improved performance - can be achieved.

  • Subsequent, differential archiving actions

    Subsequent archiving actions performed regularly can be expected to deal with much smaller amounts of data. (Depending, of course, on the frequency of such actions and the speed with which data becomes "archiveable".)

In This Chapter

Archiving Simulation

Manual Archiving

Scheduled Archiving

See Also


What is the Archive

Archive Creation

Archiving Configuration

Viewing the Archived Data

Archive Maintenance