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Archiving Simulation

Action 'Archive Objects (Simulation)' performs a simulation of the archive action. During the simulation, the Insert, Update and Delete statements are executed but the transaction is not committed. The result of the operation is recorded in the Data Log.

Archiving simulation can be used to:

  • eliminate/test possible technical problems
  • see if the result of the archiving operation contains everything that needs to be archived or does not contain objects that should not be archived

Running the Simulation

  1. Open the 'Archiving Configuration' catalog
  2. Right-click one of the defined archive configurations and call action 'Archive Objects (Simulation)'. The simulation can be run even for archive configurations that are not enabled.

    Note that the simulation may take some time to finish. (As a matter of fact it may take considerably longer than actual archiving as rollback of the changes needs to be additionally performed.)

  3. The archiving is performed in the simulation mode. The process is visible in the Valuemation Console. A new Data Log object for the simulation is created and the information in the log can be used to fine-tune the archiving configuration prior to actual archiving.

See Also

Running the Archive Action

Manual Archiving

Scheduled Archiving