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Viewing the Archived Data

Archiving moves objects specified by the archive configuration into another database schema. This archived data can be viewed using standard catalogs and editors of the object type switched to the 'Archive' mode. Archived data can no longer be edited and most catalog and editor actions are also not available.

'Switch Archive / Normal View'

Use action 'Switch Archive / Normal View' to switch between the normal and archive view of the catalog.

  • Normal view - displays data (of the object type and fulfilling the catalog condition) that are saved in the main database schema
  • Archive view - displays data (of the object type and fulfilling the catalog condition) that are saved in the archive database schema. The catalog header reads: 'ARCHIVE: catalog name'.

    Closing and reopening a catalog displays it again in the normal view.

All objects opened from the archive are read-only, including referenced objects stored in the main database schema.

Action 'Switch Archive / Normal View' should be available in the context menu of catalogs of object types for which archiving configuration has been specified. If the action is missing, it can be added.

Archive mode versus 'Show Archived Objects'

A catalog in the Archive mode displays all objects archived so far. Action 'Show Archived Objects' (called from the 'Data Log' catalog) opens a catalog displaying objects archived only by one particular archiving action.

See Also


What is the Archive

Archive Creation

Archiving Configuration

Running the Archive Action

Archive Maintenance