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Archive Creation

The archive is created by copying the main database without data, foreign key constraints, indexes and database triggers (see topic 'What is the Archive' for details).

The best methods of archive creation for Oracle, MariaDB and SQL Server is:
Using the 'Create Archive Scripts' function of Valuemation Console.

Although other methods (see below) exist, 'Create Archive Scripts' is the most straight-forward, least error-prone method. Use it whenever possible.

Other methods:

  • Oracle and SQL Server provide administration tools which can be used for archive creation.
  • Using Valuemation Console template is another method. This method can be used for DB2.

Note that these two methods require considerable expertise and are more susceptible to problems.

In This Chapter

The 'Create Archive Scripts' Action

Other Methods

See Also


What is the Archive

Archiving Configuration

Running the Archive Action

Viewing the Archived Data

Archive Maintenance