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Archiving Configuration

Each predefined archive configuration is represented by a technical object 'Archive Config'. The 'Archive Config' object holds information about:

  • which object type will be archived

    Each individual configuration specifies archiving of one 'root' object type (and some of its related object types). See 'Archiving at a Glance' in 'Data Archiving' for the philosophy behind 'root' object type selection.

    Note that archiving can also be used for technical object types. Object type 'Process Instance' is the prime candidate as a large number of process instances gets created on the basis of process definitions and these objects are stored in the 'Process Instances' catalog.

  • which objects of this object type (determined by a selection condition) will be archived

    The configuration contains a condition determining which objects of the selected object type will be archived.

  • which object types related to the archived object type will also be archived

    Some objects related to the archived 'root' type objects must also be archived. The configuration provides a tree of all 'root' object type relations together with automatically pre-selected "expected" archiving action for each individual relation. During the creation of an archive configuration, these pre-selected actions should be examined and changed if necessary.

All settings related to archive configurations are done in the 'Archiving Configuration' editor (see 'Creation of Archive Configuration' for a description of editor fields) with the exception of setting an object type as a root type. Root object types are specified in the Object Type Customizer.

'Archive Config' objects are administered using the 'Archiving Configurations' catalog which can be added to the application side bar as needed. Use the 'Archiving Configurations' catalog to:

  • get an overview of existing archive configurations
  • create new configurations - run context menu action 'Create'
  • edit existing configurations - run context menu action 'Edit'
  • perform a simulation of archiving based on an individual configuration - run context menu action 'Archive Objects (Simulation)' on the corresponding catalog row
  • start archiving based on an individual configurations - run context menu action 'Archive Objects' on the corresponding catalog row. Note that the archive configuration must be enabled for the action to be available.

In This Chapter

Root Object Types

Creation of Archiving Configuration

Relations in Archiving Configuration

See Also


What is the Archive

Archive Creation

Running the Archive Action

Viewing the Archived Data

Archive Maintenance