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Operational Level Agreement (OLA)

An Operational Level Agreement (OLA) defines the interdependent relationships in support of a Service Level Agreement (SLA). The agreement describes the responsibilities of each internal support group toward other support groups, including the process and timeframe for delivery of their services. The objective of the OLA is to present a clear, concise and measurable description of the service provider's internal support relationships.

Service records of Service Class 'OLA - Service Component' are services provided within the Service Provider company in support of the final 'SLA - Business Service' delivery. Service parameters of such services represent OLA parameters which should be stipulated in OLA documents.

Operational Level Agreements are also used for the delivery of 'Service Assets' - technical services provided within the Service Provider company in support of 'OLA - Service Component' services.

See Also

Key Terms and Object Types

Service Portfolio

Service Catalog

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Underpinning Contract (UC)

Service Template

Service Instance

Service Types

Service Class

Service Options and Option Groups

Service Parameters and Parameter Types

Pricing Model and Price Conditions

Service Domains

Service Attributes