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Category Creation

To create a new category:

  1. Call action 'Create' (context menu action or action button) from the 'Service Shop Categories' catalog
  2. The 'New: Offer Category' editor opens. Use it to specify the new category.
    • Supercategory

      Reference view of a category assigned one level above the currently edited category. Use action 'Assign' from the control action menu to assign a supercategory. See 'The Hierarchy of Categories' for more information on creating a category structure.

    • Order

      Enter a number - see 'The Hierarchy of Categories' for details.

    • Category Name (main language)

      Specify a category name reflecting the expected category content and its position in the categories hierarchy.

    • Category Name

      Category name translation in the currently selected GUI language. The translation cannot be created/changed here - use the 'Translations' button at the bottom of the editor.

    • Shop Picture

      The control displays the currently used category picture. Category pictures are used for user-friendly, graphical representation of categories in the main Shop workspace.

      Right-click in the control to open a menu for pictures administration:

    • Paste picture from clipboard
    • Attach Picture from file

      Use these commands to attach a picture to the category and select it as the current category picture.

    • Link to picture in attachments

      Use this command to select one of pictures already attached to the category as the current category picture.

    • Unlink from attachments

      Use this command to unselect the current category picture. The pictures remains attached to the category and can be re-assigned again.

    • All Pictures

      The control provides preview of all pictures attached to the currently edited category object. Use the drop down to select an attached picture to preview. Use the paste button to attach another picture to the category.

    • Subcategories

      A reference catalog of categories assigned one level below the currently edited category. Use action buttons at the bottom of the tab to administer the subcategories. See 'The Hierarchy of Categories' for more information on creating a category structure.

      Note that a category can have only one supercategory. Assigning categories as subcategory to the currently edited category unassigns them from their former supercategory.

    • Offers

      A reference catalog of shop offers assigned to the currently edited category. See 'Assignment of Categories to Shop Offers' for details.

      In contrast to the sub/supercategory relation (see note above), one shop offer can be assigned to more than one category. Assigning shop offers to the currently edited category does not influence their assignment to other categories.

    • Default for Item Classes

      A reference catalog of item classes for which the currently edited category functions as default category.

See Also

Shop Categories

Categories Administration

The Hierarchy of Categories

Categories Visibility in the Shop

Category Bar Removal