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Categories Visibility in the Shop

Not all existing categories are visible in the Service Request Shop. An existing category is not presented in the Shop if it contains only offers not requestable by the current user. An offer is not requestable if:

  • It belongs to a 'non-active' offer package, i.e. an offer package in status other than 'Current'.
  • It belongs to an offer package excluded from use by a particular user by a condition specified in offer package field 'Available in Shop for'.

For example, an offer package used for master (template) offers is likely to be set to status 'Draft'. Shop offers belonging to this offer package cannot be requested and a category containing only such offers will not be visible in the shop.

Similarly, it is recommended not to assign offers existing only as options (i.e. not requestable independently) to any categories.

Category visibility is inherited 'from bottom to top': If a category contains at least one requestable offer, all its superior categories are also visible.

See Also

Shop Categories

Categories Administration

Category Creation

The Hierarchy of Categories

Category Bar Removal