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The Hierarchy of Categories

Shop categories form a tree-like structure:

  • One category can have only one supercategory
  • One category can have more than one subcategory

Category structure creation - Best Practice

Although it is possible to assign a supercategory in the 'Supercategory' reference view of the category editor, the best way of creating the category structure is to proceed in a 'top-to-bottom' direction:

  1. Based on foreseen needs, plan a meaningful category structure
  2. Create individual categories
  3. Starting at the highest level, use the 'Subcategories' tab to assign multiple subcategories to individual categories.

    Remember that assigning a subcategory to one category unassigns it as subcategory to another (if such assignment existed).

Order of Categories

Category order is determined by the 'Order' number specified for each individual category. The number always determines the position of the category in relation to other categories within the same supercategory.

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It is good practice to create the initial numbering in multiples of ten (or a hundred, depending on expected complexity) in order to allow for future 'squeezing' new categories between the old ones.

See Also

Shop Categories

Categories Administration

Category Creation

Categories Visibility in the Shop

Category Bar Removal