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Notebook selection
  1. Click 'Create Group' in the 'Options' section.
  2. Select how the notebook selection group will be created. Let's assume no suitable option group for notebooks already exists in the database but individual notebook types are registered at the level of item types. In this situation the best choice is 'Create group from service item types'.
  3. Select item class. Selecting an item class in this step pre-filters the list of item types offered for selection in the next step.

    We are creating a group for selection of notebooks, in our demo data the suitable item class is 'PC Notebook'.

  4. Select item types. These are item types representing the notebooks which will be offered in the group. Multi-select suitable item types and click 'Ok'.
  5. Choose the control type which will be used to select the notebook. As the requestor is allowed to select only one notebook, we will choose 'Radio Button'.

    At this point the new group has been added to the shop and the usual "added but not saved..." information dialog gets displayed. This time it means that to finalize the group creation, we must edit the group and then also save the shop offer in which the group resides.

  6. Open the group for editing. Check and/or specify all relevant attributes. The 'Options' tab lists notebooks offered by the group (inserted on the basis of item type selection in step 4). Use the up/down buttons to change options order in the Shop, if necessary.
  7. Save the group and its parent offer. To streamline your efforts, use the 'Apply changes and close' button on the group and the 'Apply changes' button on the parent offer - we still need to add more groups to the offer.

See Also

Creation of Option Groups

Monitor Selection

Optional Services Selection

Mandatory Software Group