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Import of the Report Definition to Valuemation

In a final step, the report created in the Valuemation Analytics report designer needs to be imported to Valuemation.


  • A report created in Valuemation Analytics report designer and saved as a file with extension .prpt is available
  • A .ZIP file with source data definition exported from Valuemation is available.

Importing the report to Valuemation:

  1. Run Valuemation Rich Client, go to Valuemation main menu 'Customize' and select the 'Report Definitions' item. A catalog of report definitions opens.
  2. Click the 'New' button at the bottom of the catalog window.
  3. The 'Select Modules' dialog opens. Use it to assign the registered report to a Valuemation business view.
  4. A new item is created in the list of report definitions. Using inplace editing, specify its name and description. The name of report specified here is the name under which the report will be presented in Valuemation, e.g. when the 'Print Report' action is called. (This name can differ from the name of the file created by the Report Designer.)
  5. Using inplace editing in the 'Object Type' column, assign the report to a Valuemation object type.
  6. Using inplace editing in the 'Export Filter' column, specify filter used for objects selection when printing with the report is called. A filter already defined for another report type (e.g. Birt Reports) can also be used with Valuemation Analytics printing.
  7. With the report definition selected in the list, use the 'Filename' field to select the report definition file (.prpt) created by the report designer. (Click the <...> button next to the field to call standard 'Open' dialog.)
  8. With the report definition selected in the list, use the 'ZIP File' field to select the report data ZIP file. (Click the <...> button next to the field to call standard 'Open' dialog.)
  9. Click the 'Import' button to import the report definition, then click the 'Import ZIP' button to import the data zip file.

    After clicking the 'Import' button, the file name appears in the 'Report Definition' column.

    After clicking the 'Import ZIP' button, the ZIP file name appears in the 'ZIP file' column.

  10. At the end press 'Save' and then 'OK' to confirm your changes.

You can check that the report has been correctly registered by opening a catalog of the object type specified for the report (in step 4) and calling the 'Print Report' action. The new report should be available in the report definitions browser opened for the action.

In production system, you have to restart web server to reflect the changes.

In This Chapter

Existing Valuemation Analytics Reports

See Also

Valuemation Analytics Reporting

The Report Designer

Valuemation Data Export

Report Creation

Admin Settings for the "Print with Valuemation Analytics" Action

Using the Valuemation Analytics Reports

Known Issues