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Known Issues

Data export cannot be processed by the report designer - missing metadata definitions

  • Symptoms:

    When Valuemation data is exported as described in the 'Valuemation Data Export' topic, a situation may occur when the exported zip file does not include metadata definitions (xsd files) of the main and the related object types. (The metadata export contains only one xml file, for instance 'System.xml' if 'System' objects are being exported.) Such zip files cannot be successfully processed by Valuemation Analytics Report Designer.

  • Cause:

    The 'Local directory' user setting is not configured properly. The path specified in the setting must refer to a valid location accessible by the Valuemation rich client from which the data is being exported.

    To set the directory, go to Valuemation menu 'Settings' > 'User Settings' > 'Path Settings' and specify a correct path in the 'Local directory' field.

See Also

Valuemation Analytics Reporting

The Report Designer

Valuemation Data Export

Report Creation

Import of the Report Definition to Valuemation

Admin Settings for the "Print with Valuemation Analytics" Action

Using the Valuemation Analytics Reports