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Admin Settings for the "Print with Valuemation Analytics" Action

To simplify the configuration of the 'Print Report' action, there is a 'Configuring "Print Report"' workflow which automates the process.

To use the workflow:

  1. Add the 'Activate_SI_Print' action into the Valuemation sidebar.

    The translated name of the action is 'Configuring "Print Report"'.

  2. Run the action and follow the instructions.

The result of the action is as follows:

  1. The 'VMWEBSERVICE' technical user is used for the communication between clients and the 'Valuemation Analytics Print Server'. The user must be active.
    If the password is changed, the new (crypted) password, must be used in:
    • Workflow: Pentaho_PrintFromClient
      Node: Generate report on server
    • Workflow: Pentaho_PrintFromClient
      Node: Handle Parameter

  2. The 'VMWebserviceRoot' main parameter in the 'VMWeb' path must contain the URL of the 'Valuemation Analytics Print Server'. This is often the same as the VM application server (the main parameter 'VMWebRoot' in the 'VMWeb' path).

There are also some parameters which must be defined in the web.xml or in the files, but often the default values can be used.


    Default: /reporting/

    The parameter defines which url is used to display the reports. It can be a relative to the 'VMWebRoot' or you can set a complete URL if it is used as print server.

    Example: http://server:port/vmweb/reporting/


    Default: $VMWEB_HOME/reporting/

    This parameter is the "absoulte" path equivalent to the reporting URL. Valuemation replaces the '$VMWEB_HOME' with the path of the web application.

    Example: c:\tomcats\apache-tomcat-8.0.30\webapps\vmweb\


    Default: crystalreports

    This parameter defines the folder name where the resource files are stored. This is a subfolder of the translation cache directory.

See Also

Valuemation Analytics Reporting

The Report Designer

Valuemation Data Export

Report Creation

Import of the Report Definition to Valuemation

Using the Valuemation Analytics Reports

Known Issues