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The Report Designer

The report designer used for creation of report definitions can be downloaded here:

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and unpack the installation file.
  2. Copy the USU jdbc driver 'si-pdr-xmljdbc-2.2.0.jar' to the 'report-designer/lib' folder. This ensures the support of Valuemation XML data format.
  3. Check the version of existing HyperSQL driver 'hsqldb.jar'. If version is less than 2.3.2 (e.g. 'hsqldb-1.8.0.jar'), remove it and use the USU latest driver.
  4. Both USU .jar files can be copied from folder 'Tomcat/webapps/vmweb/WEB-INF/lib' under Valuemation installation.
  5. Edit the Report Designer configuration file 'report-designer/resources/' and add the following lines:



  6. Copy your pictures and your stylesheet (*.prptstyle) to the specified 'pentahoImagePath'
  7. Copy USU report template to the 'report-designer/templates' folder. It can be found in folder ./addon/VMA/Reports/templates' in the Valuemation deployment package.

For detail information on the use of stylesheets, go to chapter 'Report stylesheet'.

To open the designer, run the 'report-designer.bat' file (for Windows) or '' (Linux) in the 'report-designer' folder.

See Also

Valuemation Analytics Reporting

Valuemation Data Export

Report Creation

Import of the Report Definition to Valuemation

Admin Settings for the "Print with Valuemation Analytics" Action

Using the Valuemation Analytics Reports

Known Issues