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Existing Valuemation Analytics Reports

The range of pre-defined Valuemation Analytics reports is gradually expanding. Which imported reports are currently available can be examined in the following ways:

  • Go to Valuemation main menu 'Customize' and select the 'Report Definitions' item. A window listing available report definitions opens. This window can also be used for reports administration.


  • Locate a catalog called 'Valuemation Analytics Reports'. The catalog is most likely to be found in the sidebar of the 'Valuemation Core' and 'Valuemation Administration' business views. If not, it can be added to the sidebar. (To do so, right-click on the 'Catalogs' sidebar folder, call action 'Add catalog' and choose item 'Valuemation Analytics Reports' from the 'Choose Catalog' dialog which opens.)

    The catalog only lists the reports. It cannot be used for reports administration.

See Also

Import of the Report Definition to Valuemation