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Printing and Attaching a Service Agreement

Three actions for printing of service agreements are provided:

  • Print to PDF

    Simple PDF-based print action using a default print template. The action can be used with text parameters (see below for details).

  • Print to PDF with

    Print action which allows selection of an existing print template or specifying a new print definition (see 'Using the Report Template Editor' for more details). The action does not accept text parameters.

    For both actions, the resulting PDF gets opened in the web browser.

  • Print Report

    Print action using defined VMA reports. The action can be used with text parameters. The resulting file can be saved to disk.

    The actions can be accessed from the 'Print' item of the right-click context menu called in a service agreements catalog.

Printing of Service Agreement from the 'Instantiated Services' catalog

The 'Instantiated Services' catalog provides action 'Print Service Agreement' which prints the service agreement assigned to the selected service instance. The action calls the 'Print Report' print option.

  • If no service agreement is assigned, a message urging the user to assign a service agreement prior to the print action gets displayed.
  • Upon printing the service agreement, a possibility to attach it to the instantiated service-business partner link is offered.

    Click 'Yes' in the dialog box to attach the printed service agreement.

In This Chapter

Attached Service Agreements

Service Agreement Text Parameters

See Also

Service Level Agreements

Creating a New Service Agreement

Service Agreements Hierarchy

Assigning a Service Agreement to a Service Instance

Service Level Agreement Monitoring Chart