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Service Agreement Text Parameters

Actions 'Print to PDF' and 'Print Report' are capable of using text parameters (see below for details) if they have been used in the service agreement text.

The 'Description' field of service agreements can contain parameters i.e. variables capable of displaying attribute values taken over from related business objects. To enter a functional parameter, specific syntax has to be followed (please refer to the example image below):

  • The parameter must start and end with %
  • <1> Denotes that the action is called for the current business object, i.e. that the object is the 'starting level' for further relation path specification
  • <2> name of the relation

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  • <3> double underscore is necessary if the target objects form a collection
  • <4> the target object type of the relation
  • <5> index specifying target object's position of the collection (starting with '0', '0' denotes the first related object in the collection)
  • <6> name of the attribute whose values will be used as print parameter value

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See Also

Printing and Attaching a Service Agreement

Attached Service Agreements