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Get Attribute From Object Type

This activity retrieves an attribute value from the object.

Activity Parameter

Function / Meaning

Attribute name

The name of the attribute.

Input Arguments

Function / Meaning

Attribute name

The name of the attribute.


Please see the common parameters/arguments.


The object which the attribute value is retrieved from.

Output Arguments

Function / Meaning


Boolean. True when the attribute value is null.


Please see the common parameters/arguments.


The attribute value.

See Also

Important Activities

Add to Role

Add Attachment

Allocation Simulation

Assessment Simulation

Assign Task

Attachment Dialog

Birt Report Parameter

Calculate Duration

Catalog Refresh

Catalog to Text

Catalog View Close

Catalog View Select

CatalogView Set Query

CatalogView Switch

Change Editor Mode

Change Editor Title

Check Clock Time Intervals (Tariffe)

Check Escalation Records

Check Finance Manager

Check Quantity Scale (Price)

Check Scale Boundary (Price)

Check Status on Update

Check Time Intervals (Periods)

Choose Attribute

Choose File

Client Change

Close All Catalogs

Compare Attributes

Compute N/A Values


Copy Input Stream to Output Stream

Copy Input Stream to String

Copy to Clipboard

Create Bookmark

Create Query

Create Output Stream

Delete All Records on Table Lv075

Delete Object

Determine Where-Condition

EditorView Close

EditorView Generate the Key

Editor Need Save

EditorView Save

Editor View Set Value

Editor Transaction SyncPoint

Generate PDF Report

Generate Report

Generate XML Data Stream

Get from Hash Map

Get Help Keys

Get Selected Text from Field

Input GUI for a Mail


Meta Workflow Delete

MetaWorkflow new/edit

MetaWorkflow Lock/Unlock

MetaWorkflow Take Lock

New Object

Open Action Customizer

Open Attachment

Open Calculation Customizer

Open Catalog Customizer

Open Catalog View

Open Configuration

Open File

Open Help

Open BO Customizer

Open Object Type Customizer

Open Object Type Translation Editor

Open Mass Move

Open Metamodel Exporter

Open Move

Open Query Editor

Open Process Modeller

Open Report Editor

Open Relation Customizer

Open Rule Customizer

Open User Manager

Open Value Set Customizer

Open View Customizer

Perform Task

Print to Text

Print to Preview

Put in Hash Map Activity

Relation Link Existing Start

Relation Link Existing Finish

Relation Link New Start

Relation Link New Finish

Remove Link

Remove from Role

Removes Objects or Selected Rows from the Current Catalog View

Render Birt Report

Run Save Action on Editor

Save File

Save Text into File

Script (System Activity)

Send Mail

Send Message

Send Mail with Outlook Activity

Set Catalog

Set Query

Set Relational Attributes for Transient Relations

Set a Value for Attribute in Editor

Set a Value for Attribute of Object Type

Settings of Foreign Keys for Transient Relations

Show Birt Report

Show Web Page

Simple Input

Start Escalation

Start External Program

Start from Catalog

Start from CTI

Start from BO Editor

Start from Relation

Start from SideBar

String to Text


Tally Connect Tester

Take Over Solutions

Toast Message


Transfer Create

Transfer (correction) Create

Transfer Global Change

Transfer (correction) Global Change

User Decision

Workflow - Start

Workflow - End

Workflow Transaction SyncPoint

Write Object to a String

XML Export

XML Import