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Results Arrangement

Results can be arranged by the data field or by the row field. Arrangement is defined by the order of appropriate columns. When the Data Field is before first Row Field, the data field arrangement is used. When the Data Field is after the first Row Field, the row field arrangement is used.

  1. Drag the Data Field column to the first position in the results catalog
  2. Press button 'Refresh'

    Help Image

  3. Drag the Data Field column to the second (or third, fourth…) position
  4. Press button 'Refresh'

    Help Image

Usage of color stripes in the background is controlled by the checkbox “Use color background” in the tab Details. Once the checkbox in unchecked, the default colors for catalog are used.

Help Image

There are also some advanced sorting controls available in the Details tab:

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See Also

Compare expenses in different plans by period

Aggregation Functions

Show Data As

Forecasting Functions

Data Filtering

Data Field Selection
