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Data Field Selection

In order to simplify shown results, you can select one of the data fields to be shown. Referenced view Data Field on the Master tab serves that purpose.

  1. Reset all filters, alternatively you can hide the Data Field from the results catalog
  2. Press button Help Image 'Select next data field'
  3. Results for Total Net Price (B) are shown

    Help Image

  4. Press button Help Image 'Select next data field'
  5. Results for Total Gross Price (B) are shown

    Help Image

  6. Press buttons Help Image to switch between used data fields
  7. Press button Help Image 'Search'
  8. List of potential data fields are shown. They are recognized by non empty aggregation functions. Note that you can modify used aggregation functions directly in this list.
  9. Select one or more data fields, which will be displayed in the data area.

See Also

Compare expenses in different plans by period

Aggregation Functions

Show Data As

Forecasting Functions

Data Filtering

Results Arrangement
