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BPM Authorization

Business Process Manager has its own relevant Roles. Not all of the typical BPM roles are used by Valuemation, but some have even more than 1 Valuemation roles. Each role has it's specific usage, but it's not unusual for a user to belong to more roles.

Typical BPM roles

BPM Roles in Valuemation

Process Owner


Process Manager

Role "-Bpm.Process Manager Deployer"

Process Participant

We differentiate participant which can initate a process and participant which performs work items. Example process "Company Movement to New Location": only CEO can start the process but all employes have to participate, i.e. only CEO will see the process in the catalog "Processes (startable)".

Role "-Bpm.Process Participant Initiator"

Role "-Bpm.Process Participant Performer"

Role "-Bpm.Process Dispatcher"

Process Analyst


Process Engineer

Role "-Bpm.Process Engineer"

In This Chapter

Process Dispatcher

Process Participant - Performer

Process Manager - Deployer

Process Engineer

Process Participant - Initiator

Process Interpreter

Task Executor

See Also

Business Process Manager Summary

Resource Management

Process Life Cycle

Task Life Cycle

Allocation Strategies

Process Engine Settings

Process Modeller

Process Validation