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Process Engineer

Role "-Bpm.Process Engineer"

Role is assigned to the reference process engineer user "-REF-BPMENG", together with the role "-Bpm.Process Manager Deployer".

This is the role for the programmer (executable Process Model) of Processes (usually designed by Process Analyst). User can have less skills than Valuemation customizer, he is supposed to use/connect prepared building blocks.

  • Create and edit Process
  • Approve Process
  • Copy Process
  • Delete Process ... only process in status In Development, In Test, Disapproved, Archive without process instances can be deleted
  • Test process ... to start process and work with Work Items

Engineer can do what Participant can do on tested processes.

When process is NOT in state "In Development" (i.e. it is in state In Test, Approved, Active, Retired, Error Occured) the only possible modification for ANYONE (not depending on a role) is to change a state. It is achieved by GUI rules. Process is opened in read-only editor when it is in state (Proposed, Approved, Retired, Error Occured), but it is STILL possible to use actions to change process state (which can be only accessible from catalog).

Permissions defined by Permission Set "Bpm Process Engineer" restrict right to objects composing process, e.g. flow objects, data objects, ... to READ when process is not in state "In Development".

See Also

BPM Authorization

Process Dispatcher

Process Participant - Performer

Process Manager - Deployer

Process Participant - Initiator

Process Interpreter

Task Executor