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Debugging can be done only when the process is in state In Development. If you have created a process, made it active and found out there is an error in it later, you will have to create a new version of the process - this will be In Development. After you debug the error, the process is ready for deployment again. Please read more about Process Life Cycle to understand it properly.

The process you just defined may contain errors and possibilities for improvement. BPM can show you warnings and errors, before it saves the process. The Validation action is located on the left side of the Process Modeller. After this action has been started, BPM evaluates all predefined possibilities and lists errors and warnings in the properties part of the Process Modeller. If you open the Process Editor, the reference catalog Advice shows exactly the same.

See Also

Process Creation

Create a Process

Create a Data Type

Create a Building Block

Create a Node Type

Define a Data Object

Create a Lane

Define Phases


