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Valuemation Without the CTI Server

Test verifies that workflow defined to handle “connected” event can be started manually to simulate CTI event processing. There is a simple test workflow “Test.CTI” which only gets information from CTI and displays it in a message box.

1. Login to Valuemation web client.

At the first time user is asked to trust USU certificate. He must confirm a trust; otherwise applet will fail later to perform operations for which security requires a trust.

2. Java console is opened and indicates that CtiApplet was downloaded and initialized.

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3. Set workflow “Test.CTI” as workflow processing “connected” event.

Set value “Test.CTI” to parameter “WF_Connected” in the CTI Administrator Settings.

4. Enable CTI for user in the CTI User Settings.

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In This Chapter

Web Client

Rich Client

See Also

Core: Tests

Connection to CTI server

Loading Applet

Valuemation CTI In