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Rich Client

1. Provided rich client was started with option -Ddebug_cti=true, menu Help contains a new CTI Test item

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It simulates CTI event "connected" from phone "999", through telephony server defined by parameter "Plugin01.Name", to the monitored phone defined by parameter "Plugin01.MonitoredAddress".

2. Select menu Help | CTI Test

3. Workflow “Test.CTI”, defined by parameter "WF_connected" should be started and message box “Test.CTI” displayed.

Check that:

  • PluginName equals to the value of Plugin01.Name parameter
  • CalledNumber equals to the value of Plugin01.MonitoredAddress parameter
  • AreaCode equals either to the value of <Plugin01.Name>.AreaCode parameter if one is defined, or to the value of AreaCode parameter

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Values reported by Valuemation CTI to the workflow

See Also

Valuemation Without the CTI Server

Web Client