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The basic idea of Multitenancy functionality is to set user rights not according to user roles but according to object relations. The relations are represented by special HLQ (high-level qualifier) attributes.

In an example scenario, users are to be allowed access only to systems and components belonging to a certain department. Correspondingly, the goal is to authorize according the department affiliation. For example, user A is a developer and should have access to systems assigned to the 'Development' department while user B works in marketing and should have access to systems assigned to the 'Marketing' department. Both user A and user B have the 'Employee' role but they differ in their multitenancy datasets.

Current implementation of Multitenancy can work in two modes:

  • Role-based: Multitenancy is applicable either on the same level as other authorization methods
  • Above-the-role-based: Multitenancy acts as a layer above other authorization methods.

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The mode is switchable on the General tab using the "Use Authorization Processor" check box.

In This Chapter

Multitenancy Definition

Multitenancy Inheritance

See Also

Authorization Manager

Basic Concepts

Conflicting Authorizations

Working with the Authorization Manager

Authorization Groups and Roles