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Multitenancy Inheritance

Multitenancy Inheritance is another important feature of the Multitenancy functionality. If we define the Multitenancy Inheritance for certain relation (System - Component relation shown in the picture), it will be possible to inherit the Multitenancy.

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For instance, if you add a Component to a System (which belongs to Region 1) and set the "Multitenancy Inheritance from Right" to "Always", then you will "always" inherit the Multitenancy from System to the Component.

You can also select the possibility of Multitenancy Inheritance at runtime and select the default inheritance variable (inherit/do not inherit by default). When one of these options is checked, a new dialog box with the information about the upcoming copying will occur and user can choose if the copying should or should not be performed.

  • If the option " default inherit" is chosen, then the default behaviour of the shown dialog box leads to copying of the HLQ values.
  • If the option " default do not inherit" is chosen, then the default behaviour of the shown dialog box leads to preserving original HLQ values of the child.

See Also


Multitenancy Definition