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Rule Customizer

The Rule Customizer is the actual tool for creation and configuration of rules. While the initial starting point for the rule management is the Customization Browser with the Rules browser, the Rule Customizer consist of a sequence of Rule Customizer windows which form a simple Rule Configuration Wizard for the rule creation and editing.

Calling the Rule Customizer

The Rule Customizer is primarily accessed from the Customization Browser. In the lower section of the Customization Browser, there is the 'Rules' tab with the Rule browser below and the adjacent control buttons which allow you to call the Rule Customizer in the following way:

  • If you select and double click a rule directly in the Rule browser, the Rule Customizer for the selected rule is called.
  • Use the control buttons next to the Rule browser to perform the basic operations such as Edit, Create, Copy or Delete.

    Select and double-click a rule to edit it in the editor or use the 'Create' button to start the Rule Configuration Wizard which enables you to create a new rule.

See Also

Managing Rules

Rule Browser

Using the Rule Customizer

Evaluation of conditions - performance