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Evaluation of conditions - performance

Evaluation of conditions (queries) in memory (e.g. conditions used in rules, GUI rules (to enable an action), API method ApiBObject.matchCondition() etc.) will be partially done on the DB to make the evaluation faster and prevent memory problems if all the following prerequisites met:

  • The condition contains the expression 'collection.plainAttr OPERATOR value', were OPERATOR can be ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
  • The 'collection' is still proxy (not read from the DB).
  • The 'collection' doesn't appear in the calculation again.
  • The 'collection' doesn't contain any 'add requests' or 'remove requests' (when you use the standard Search action and the API methods ApiBOField.linkObjects() / unlinkObjects() ).
  • All instances of the object type the collection attribute references are NOT modified or deleted.

See Also

Managing Rules

Rule Browser

Rule Customizer

Using the Rule Customizer