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Compare Process

The Compare Process in Valuemation manages the compare on three different levels:

  1. First there is a Master Rule, which specifies that the System in Valuemation corresponds to the CMP System in CIC in this example.

    Application: Valuemation, CIC

    Object Identifier: System, CMP System

  2. On the next level, the comparison between the Valuemation Components and the CIC Components is described. These more detailed rules are called Compare Rules (for instance, the Compare Rule would specify how to recognize similar pieces of equipment, i.e. monitors, memory, disk drives etc.).
  3. The final level of detail is contained in the Mapping part of the Compare Rule. The Mapping specifies how to recognize that two entries (one in each application) actually describe the same piece of equipment (e.g. the same monitor). Usually this will involve isolating the serial number or Inventory number on each side and naming the attribute in which it is stored.

Each type of rule has its own catalog in Valuemation and can be processed from there.

In This Chapter

Master Rule

Compare Rule

Mapping (Map Operator)

Mapping Parameter

See Also

Configuration Manager

Configuration Manager at a Glance

Calling the Compare Functionality

Running the Compare Process

Compare Results

Compare History

Compare Processing

Compare Data Transfer