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Master Rule

The Compare Master Rule defines a central logical link between the core logical structure in Valuemation (the System) and the core logical structure in the Systems Management application (in case of CIC CMP System). The Master Rule is used to define that these two structures correspond with each other and to specify which attribute in each structure is regarded the key and the criteria for the match.

Master Rule Definition

To define a Master Rule, open the Master Rules Catalog in the Sidebar InfoObject (or right-click the catalog and call "Create" directly in the Sidebar).

Help Image

Window Component

Function / Meaning


Name of the Master rule. Enter a name which logically indicates the purpose of the rule.


More detailed description of the rule.


If the checkbox is selected, the rule is active. Only one Master Rule can be active at a time. This Master Rule is used to determine the connections between Valuemation Systems and a CIC CMP System workstations in this case.

VM Attribute

Lists an attribute in the core structure of Valuemation (i.e. System) which is used for the comparison. This field is disabled. Use the Edit VM attribute button at the bottom of the screen to select the attribute from the list of attributes.

SM Attribute  

Lists an attribute in the core structure of the Systems Management application (a CIC CMP System in this case) which is used for the comparison. This field is disabled. Use the Edit SM attribute button to select the attribute from the list of attributes.

Use all Compare rules

If selected, all Compare Rules are used. If unchecked, appropriate Compare Rules can be selected manually.

The attributes listed in VM Attribute and SM Attribute fields will be used as the basis for the comparison between the two applications. Valuemation Systems and CIC CMP Systems, which have the same value in these attributes, are considered to represent the same physical group of equipment.

See Also

Compare Process

Compare Rule

Mapping (Map Operator)

Mapping Parameter