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Condition Escalation

Condition Escalation is in many ways a more straightforward process. Condition Escalation consists of a condition and a reference to a business Object to which the condition should be applied.

By means of example, let's have an escalation type with the following 2 escalation conditions and 2 escalation actions:


  • C1: running no. 1, step-by step (i.e. action is started for a single business object)
  • C2: running no. 2, NON step-by step (i.e. action is started for a collection of business objects)


  • A1, running no. 1
  • A2, running no. 2

This will lead to the following processing steps:

  1. Objects matching to condition C1 are processed by action A1
  2. Objects matching to condition C1 are processed by action A2
  3. Objects matching to condition C2 are processed by action A1
  4. Objects matching to condition C2 are processed by action A2


From this example we can see that escalation conditions are standalone and therefore more conditions can not substitute one complex condition. Also the processing type (step-by-step / collection of business objects) must be considered so that the escalation actions can handle matching result sets.

In the example above both actions (A1 and A2) are started for both conditions of different types so both actions must be able to process a single object and also a collection of objects.

If you need to define a condition whose length exceeds the maximal length of Varchar data type, you have to change the DB column to CLOB (which can store very long strings -up to 2GB of data).

In This Chapter

Condition Escalation Preparation

Running Condition Escalation

See Also

Escalation in Use

Escalation Record Escalation