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Overview of the Key Searches Modes

Overview of the Key Searches Modes in Relation to Text Attributes


Field/Column/Expert Search

Quick Search

Live Search

Global Search


Prerequisites for Use


The corresponding search mode must be allowed in the catalog definition.

The search mode must be allowed in the catalog definition.

Web client only.


One Cell Reference View must be defined.

Web client only.

Web client only.

Search configurations must be created and must be added to a search group (see the 'Search Configurations' and 'Search Configurations Groups' catalogs).

The Full Text Index must exist.


Search Attributes

Selectable by a user.

First N columns of a catalog*1) (see the 'Maximum count of Quick Search attributes' setting in Global Settings) or explicitly given by the catalog definition in the Catalog Customizer.


Given by the Reference View defined in the View Customizer.

Given by search configurations (as defined in the 'Search Configurations' and 'Search Configurations Groups' catalogs).

Default Operator

(a condition operator)


Given by the Global Settings > the 'Default String Operator' option. The 'Starts with' operator is selected by default.

If the Full Text Index exists, you can set the 'contains' operator as the default operator using the 'Use operator Contains when full-text index exists' check box.

See also the Search topic in Global Settings.





'CONTAINS' Operator


Available if the Full Text Index exists.





The Full Text Index must exist prior to the creation of the search configuration.

'LIKE' Operator





The wildcard (%) is user-applicable (can be entered by a user anyplace).


Both the leading and trailing wildcards (%) are applied automatically.


The same, unless the 'Use Starts With in Live Search' option in Global Settings is selected.

Not used by default.

If the Full Text Index is not present in the database, the 'like' operator will be applied as a fallback solution.

'EQUALS' Operator




Used for the business key attribute (a unique index must exist).

Logical Operator (AND/OR)

(behavior with multiple attributes and words)

Field Search: AND

Column Search: AND

Expert Search: Selectable (Default = AND)

OR between the configured attributes.

AND/OR between individual words (depending on the logical operator setting in Global Settings).

See the examples below.

OR between the configured attributes.

AND/OR between individual words (depending on the logical operator setting in Global Settings but it can be overridden in a specific view which contains the one cell reference view).

See the examples below.


Case Sensitivity

The settings as described in Valuemation Essentials and Global Settings.


ORACLE: The default setting is case sensitive, can be overridden in the '' file (see the 'sessionParams' section) located in the Valuemation root folder.

SQL Server: Depends on the collation of the database (typically it is set to be case insensitive in which case the case sensitivity options will not be displayed and the searches will be always case insensitive).


Case insensitive

Case insensitive

Case insensitive



The entered phrase: problem

The generated query: ticketno like '%problem%' OR tckShorttext like '%problem%' OR description like '%problem%'


The entered phrase: problem database (log.oper AND)

The generated query: ticketno like '%problem%' OR tckShorttext like '%problem%' OR description like '%problem%' AND ticketno like '%database%' OR tckShorttext like '%database%' OR description like '%database%'


The entered phrase: problem database (log.oper OR)

The generated query: ticketno like '%problem%' OR tckShorttext like '%problem%' OR description like '%problem%' OR ticketno like '%database%' OR tckShorttext like '%database%' OR description like '%database%'

Use Starts With = TRUE

The entered phrase: Rosen

The generated query: firstname like 'Rosen%' OR lastname like 'Rosen%'


The entered phrase: Rosenbauer Pet (log. oper AND)

The generated query: firstname like 'Rosenbauer%' OR lastname like 'Rosenbauer%' AND firstname like 'Pet%' OR lastname like 'Pet%'


The entered phrase Rosenbauer Pet (log. oper OR)

The generated query: firstname like 'Rosenbauer%' OR lastname like 'Rosenbauer%' OR firstname like 'Pet%' OR lastname like 'Pet%'


Use Starts With = FALSE (slow)

The entered phrase: Rosen

The generated query: firstname like '%Rosen%' OR lastname like '%Rosen%'


The entered phrase: Rosenbauer Pet (log. oper AND)

The generated query: firstname like '%Rosenbauer%' OR lastname like '%Rosenbauer%' AND firstname like '%Pet%' OR lastname like '%Pet%'


The entered phrase: problem

The generated query: ((contains(description, 'problem') OR contains(solutionDescription, 'problem') OR ticketno == 'problem' OR contains(tckShorttext, 'problem') OR contains(solutionShorttext, 'problem')))


The entered phrase: IN-100245

The generated query: ((contains(description, 'IN-100245') OR contains(solutionDescription, 'IN-100245') OR ticketno == 'IN-100245' OR contains(tckShorttext, 'IN-100245') OR contains(solutionShorttext, 'IN-100245')))


The entered phrase: problem oracle

The generated query: ((contains(description, 'problem, oracle') OR contains(solutionDescription, 'problem, oracle') OR ticketno == 'problem oracle' OR contains(tckShorttext, 'problem, oracle') OR contains(solutionShorttext, 'problem, oracle')))

When is the Search Initiated ?

Field and Expert Search: By clicking the Search button or by pressing the Enter key.

Column Search: Depends on the 'Apply condition when query is changed' setting in Global Settings.



The Enter key.

Immediately when at least 'N' chars are entered (see the 'Maximum count of Quick Search attributes' setting in Global Settings).

The Enter key or the Search button.

Query Persistence





*1) Columns must be visible, not boolean, a collection of values

See Also

Searching and Filtering

Global Search

Searches in Catalogs

Searches in Editors