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Smart Tiles Customization

The following catalogs are involved in the Smart Tiles customization:

  • InfoObject Category

    This catalog is placed here for informative purpose only. It is desirable that the large amount of Smart Tiles is sorted by certain business logic. Since the existing InfoObject Categories are groups defined according to such business logic, you can use this existing "group" and apply it as a Business Category for a Smart Tile.

    Note: The assignment of the Business Category to a Smart Tile is optional.

  • Smart Tiles

    Can be considered a key customization catalog. Here you can administer the existing Smart Tiles and perform the related actions.

  • Smart Tiles Templates

    Lists the Smart Tile Templates from which you can create multiple Smart Tiles of certain Smart Tile Type and/or Smart Tile Business Category.

  • User Smart Tiles

    This catalog gives you an overview of the Smart Tiles applied in the Start Page by the logged user. This catalog does not serve the customization purposes. A new "User Smart Tile" is added automatically into the catalog as soon as you use a new Smart Tile in the Start Page.

Note: After customization changes in the Smart Tile graphical representation, it is necessary to restart the application server.

In This Chapter

Smart Tiles

Smart Tile Templates

See Also

Start Page and Smart Tiles Customization

Start Page Customization

Start Page/Smart Tiles Mainparameters