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Smart Tile Templates

The 'Smart Tile Templates' Catalog

The 'Smart Tile Templates' catalog contains all the existing Smart Tile Templates which are intended to serve as a kind of blueprint for new Smart Tiles. Typically, a user defines the templates and uses them for creating multiple Smart Tiles of certain Smart Tile Type and/or Smart Tile Business Category, which are usually distinguished by vastly different color and icon schema.

The attributes of the 'Smart Tiles Templates' catalog are limited to Type, Category, Name, Color and Icon. For detailed description of the attributes, please see the 'Smart Tiles' topic.

Actions in the 'Smart Tile Templates' Catalog

In the 'Smart Tile Templates' catalog, you can create a new Smart Tile, create a new Smart Tile from a Template and carry out a mass change of selected attributes of Smart Tile templates.

Note: You can also perform these actions in the 'Smart Tiles Templates' catalog.

To create a new Smart Tile or Smart Tile Template:

  1. Open the 'Smart Tile Templates' catalog.
  2. Right-click to call the context menu and select 'Create'.

    The Smart Tile editor appears.

  3. Fill in at least the mandatory fields.

    If you select the 'Is Template' check box in the editor, this Smart Tile becomes a new Smart Tile Template.

  4. click 'OK' to proceed.

    A new Smart Tile (template) has been created.

To create Smart Tiles from a Smart Tile Template:

  1. Open the 'Smart Tile Templates' catalog.
  2. Select a template which you want to create new Smart Tiles from.
  3. Right-click to call the context menu and select 'Create Smart Tiles from Template'


    use the 'Create Smart Tiles from Template' button at the bottom of the catalog.

    A Catalog or Workflow Browser opens depending on the template's Tile Type.

  4. Select the required catalogs or workflows and click 'OK' to proceed.

    New Smart Tiles will be created automatically with the given representation.

Note: You can also create Smart Tiles from a Smart Tile Template from the 'Smart Tiles' catalog.

Icon, Color and Background Color of selected Smart Tile Templates can be also changed collectively using the 'Mass Change' action:

  1. Open the 'Smart Tile Templates' catalog.
  2. Select the Smart Tile Templates which you want to mass change.
  3. Right-click to call the context menu and select 'Mass Change'.

    The 'Mass Edit of Tiles' window opens.

    Here you can re-define the Icon, Background Color and Text Color of the selected Smart Tiles templates.

  4. Click 'OK' to apply the changes.

See Also

Smart Tiles Customization

Smart Tiles