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Start Page/Smart Tiles Mainparameters

In addition to GUI-based Start Page and Smart Tiles customization, the following properties can be set up via Valuemation mainparameters:

  • Smart Tile grid (rows & columns) on Start Pages

    By default, Smart Tiles are placed on Start Pages in a 6-by-2 grid. The number of grid rows and columns can be changed by adjusting the value of the following mainparamaters:

    Smart Tiles grid rows:

    • Path: VMWeb
    • Parameter: startPage_gridRowsCount
    • Value: Number <specify number of rows>

    Smart Tiles grid columns:

    • Path: VMWeb
    • Parameter: startPage_gridColsCount
    • Value: Number <specify number of columns>
  • Location where Smart Tile icon files are stored

    The location from which icons representing Smart Tiles are drawn is determined by mainparameter:

    • Path: VMWeb
    • Parameter: startPage_rootPathForTileIcons
    • Value: <Specify path to icons folder. Keeping the standard path '/webconf/icons/' is recommended.>
  • Categorization of Smart Tiles in the 'Configure Start Page' drop down

    To add new Smart Tiles to a Start Page, the user clicks the 'Configure Start Page' link and selects Smart Tiles from the drop down which gets displayed. The drop down offers all existing Smart Tiles. How Smart Tiles in the drop down are categorized is determined by the following mainparameter:

    • Path: VMWeb
    • Parameter: startPage_categorizeTilesByType
    • Value: Boolean <See below for details.>

      Value = FALSE

      Smart Tiles in the drop down are categorized by Smart Tile Category (E.g. Services, Problems, Changes, Service Requests, etc. - in standard Valuemation). This is the default categorization.

      Value = TRUE

      Smart Tiles in the drop down are categorized by Smart Tile Type (Action, Catalog or URL - in standard Valuemation). Individual tiles under each type are then displayed alphabetically.

  • Start Pages display on login

    When a user logs into Valuemation, the business view opened when the user previously logged out gets reopened. Which perspective gets opened is determined by the following mainparameter:

    • Path: VMWeb
    • Parameter: onStartShowStartPage
    • Value: Boolean <See below for details.>

      Value = FALSE

      The most recently used perspective of the most recently used business view gets opened when a user logs in.

      Value = TRUE

      The Start perspective of the most recently used business view gets opened when a user logs in. (If no Start perspective is defined for the business view, the most recently used perspective gets opened.)

  • Refresh time of Start Page headers

    The text above the Smart Tiles grid on a Start Page is a Start Page header. To accommodate for the possibility of displaying time-dependent content (e.g. greetings such as 'Good morning' / 'Good afternoon' / 'Good evening'), the header is refreshable. Start Page header refresh rate is determined by the following mainparameter:

    • Path: VMWeb
    • Parameter: startPage_headerRefreshTimeout
    • Value: Number <Time in seconds. Default value is 1800s.>

See Also

Start Page and Smart Tiles Customization

Start Page Customization

Smart Tiles Customization