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Keypress Navigation

The keypress navigation speeds up the process of inserting values into various combo boxes. If you meet a combo box with a rather long list of values, you can either select the value by "look and find" approach or use your keyboard to get around the selection process faster.

The keypress navigation can be used in two ways:

  1. Click on a combo box to see the full list of values.
  2. Press the character on your keyboard which the value starts with.
  3. The first value starting with this character will be highlighted.


  1. Click on the combo box so that it gets highlighted (but do not open it).
  2. Press the character on your keyboard which the required value starts with (supposing you know which value you are looking for).
  3. The value starting with this character fills in the combo box.

Note: This functionality can be used any combo box throughout Valuemation. It applies to Field Search, too.

See Also

Editors in Detail

Editor Tabs

Main Controls

Mandatory Fields

Reference View Display Options

Dynamic Fields

Reference Catalogs

Tabs Horizontal Scrolling

Rich Text Editor

Calendar Control

Generating a Business Key