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Calendar Control

Date and datetime attribute values can be entered using the calendar control. Valuemation web client uses standard DateItem SmartClient component with the following functions:

  • Click a day in the calendar to enter the corresponding date. The time information remains unchanged (00:00:00 by default) and needs to be specified manually.
  • Click 'Today' to enter the current date.
  • Click 'Cancel' to close the calendar control.
  • Click an arrow button to display the previous/following month of the same year.
  • Click a double-arrow button to display the same month of the previous/following year.
  • Click the month to display a selection box with all months of the year.

See Also

Editors in Detail

Editor Tabs

Main Controls

Mandatory Fields

Reference View Display Options

Dynamic Fields

Reference Catalogs

Keypress Navigation

Tabs Horizontal Scrolling

Rich Text Editor

Generating a Business Key