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Types of Attribute Values

Types of attribute values match those described in the Field Search chapter. In general, they reflect the database data types. Each attribute value specifies the type of data that the field can hold.

The main attributes types are:

  • Text

    A text element which contains text data.

  • Date/Time

    This type is designed to store a date and time value.

  • Boolean (logical value)

    These data types have two possible values: TRUE and FALSE (YES/NO)

  • Number

    A type representing numbers.

  • Decimal Number

    Data type provided to handle numeric values with exact decimal storage.

Note: Attributes types are synonymous with attribute values or fields types.

In Expert Search, you can see attribute types during an attribute selection in the Choose Attribute dialog box. After you select the required attribute, you can enter its value either by writing the value directly into the field, by using a combo box with predefined values or by opening a calendar and selecting the date (in case of "date and time" type). The way a value is entered depends on a particular attribute type and its customization.

See Also

Expert Search in Detail

Creating Condition Rows

Choose Attribute Dialog Box in Detail


Priority of Operators

Using Subqueries

Creating a Condition Directly in a Catalog

Catalog Query Selector

Value Checkbox

Global Functions

Case Sensitivity