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Using Subqueries

Subqueries are used when you want to change or bridge the default priority of the logical operators. Using the parentheses, you can isolate parts of a query. Subqueries included in parentheses are processed before all other parts of the query.

To create a subquery of the main condition row, follow these steps:

  1. Click the parentheses symbol located right to the green plus icon.
  2. Choose the required attribute from the Choose Attribute dialog box.
  3. Click 'OK' to confirm your choice.

    The subquery will be added now.

    Help Image

  4. Now add the second condition of the subquery using the green plus icon.

    When completed, you can see a complete subquery within the complex condition.

    Help Image

Notes on subqueries:

  • It is possible to go deeper and create a new subquery of the subquery if required. The whole complex condition is always processed "from inside" - from the deepest subquery up to the main condition row.
  • The subquery will be always evaluated first despite the OR operator having a lower priority than AND operator.

See Also

Expert Search in Detail

Creating Condition Rows

Choose Attribute Dialog Box in Detail


Priority of Operators

Types of Attribute Values

Creating a Condition Directly in a Catalog

Catalog Query Selector

Value Checkbox

Global Functions

Case Sensitivity