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View Settings

The layout of Valuemation editors can have two forms:

  • the standard legacy layout containing one or more attribute tabs at the top of the window and reference catalog tabs at the bottom
  • the new (Valuemation 5.0 and higher) layout option displaying both attribute tabs and reference catalogs as vertical collapsible sections

The View Settings page provides the following settings:

  • Sections Initial Mode

    Specifies which of the two above described modes is used when an editor is first opened.

    • Classic
    • Sections
  • Mode is changeable by the user

    Specifies whether the user is allowed to switch between the two modes.

  • Store expanded state

    Specifies whether the last section state (expanded or collapsed) is remembered when an editor is reopened. (This setting applies only when the editor is in the Sections mode.)

See Also


Multilingual Support

Sidebar Settings

Mandatory Fields Settings

Limit Settings



Mandatory Fields Settings

Mandatory fields referencing the plain attributes are distinguished from other fields by bold font or by an asterisk.

On this page, you can set the visual representation of the mandatory fields.

  • Use * to Decorate Mandatory Labels

    If selected, the mandatory fields will be marked with the asterisk symbol.

    If clear, the mandatory fields will be shown in bold.

  • Custom Color

    Use the button to set the color of the asterisk if the 'Use * to Decorate Mandatory Labels' check box has been selected.