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Limit Settings

Limit Settings configure the way by which the large amount of data are read from the database and displayed in catalogs. The Limit settings can be made independently for business object types and technical object types.

Load limits in catalogs

  • No load limit for catalogs

    When this option is selected, it turns off all limit settings effectively causing all data to be read "at one throw". For the catalogs with very large amount of objects, it may considerably slow down the catalog opening process or even directly cause the Out-Of-Memory error. Use this option with the utmost caution!

  • Use load limits also in reference catalogs

    If selected, load limits are also set for reference catalogs in views.

Object Types (for Generic Object Types, i.e. defined in BO Customizer)

  • Initial Load

    Initial load specified the number of objects which are read to memory when a catalog is opened or refreshed. Initial load cannot be set less than 50 and more than 1000.

  • Load Increment

    Load increment specifies the number of objects which are read to memory when the end of a catalog page has been reached by scrolling. Load increment cannot be set less than 50 and more than 1000.

  • Maximum Load

    Maximum load is the maximum number of objects in one catalog which can be present in memory at one time. If this maximum has been reached, some objects are removed from the memory before the next incremental reading is done. Maximum load cannot be set less than the sum of Initial load + Load increment and it cannot exceed 3000.

Technical Object Types

  • Initial Load

    Initial load specified the number of technical objects which are read to memory when a catalog is opened or refreshed. Initial load cannot be set less than 50 and more than 1000.

  • Load Increment

    Load increment specifies the number of technical objects which are read to memory when the end of a catalog page has been reached by scrolling. Load increment cannot be set less than 50 and more than 1000.

  • Maximum Load

    Maximum load is the maximum number of technical objects in one catalog which can be present in memory at one time. If this maximum has been reached, some objects are removed from the memory before the next incremental reading is done. Maximum load cannot be set less than the sum of Initial load + Load increment and it cannot exceed 3000.

  • Maximum read limit

    In cases when the Incremental Data Retrieval method cannot be used, the maximum number of objects which can be read to memory is determined by the Maximum read limit setting. Exceeding this limit returns an exception message.

    The Maximum read limit value cannot be set less than 500 and more than 50000. Normally the value should not exceed 2000 as high settings may have a negative effect on performance and memory consumption.

  • Maximum web page size

    This value specifies maximum allowed web page size which can be read by Valuemation web client.
    In the web client, you can limit allowed length of a web page by setting the maximum allowed web page size.

  • No explicit pages for web catalogs

    Select this option to disable catalog paging in the web client. In such case the 'Web page size' setting is ignored and paging is performed according to the 'Load Increment' setting.

  • Web page size

    The setting specifies the number of lines displayed in one catalog page in the web client. It influences both catalogs and reference catalogs. The number cannot exceed the 'Maximum web page size' value (if specified - see above).

Note: Default values for Limit settings are: Initial load=100, Load increment=100, Maximum load=500, Maximum read limit=2000.

Note: User-specific Limit settings can be found under User Settings.

See Also


Multilingual Support

Sidebar Settings

View Settings

Mandatory Fields Settings

