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Here you can set the customizable node styles of the Visualizer Nodes.

  • Node Styles

    A list of defined node styles.

    Use the 'Add', 'Remove' and 'Edit' buttons to administer the individual styles.

    • Click 'Add' to call the Node Style dialog box. Here you can define a name of the node style, the background color and the foreground text color for each node style.
  • Node Styles assignment to Business object types

    Use this tab to assign node styles to generic object types.

    Use the 'Add' and 'Remove' buttons to administer the node style assignment.

    • Click 'Add' to call the Node Style assignment dialog box. Here you can select a specific Business Object type and assign the corresponding node style.
  • Node Styles assignment to Technical object types

    Use this tab to assign node styles to technical object types.

    Use the 'Add' and 'Remove' buttons to administer the node style assignment.

    • Click 'Add' to call the Node Style assignment dialog box. Here you can select a specific technical object type and assign the corresponding node style.

The defined node styles can be applied in the Node Details Section of the Visualization Profile Customizer. If a node style was assigned to a specific generic or technical object type, the node style will be applied automatically as the default node style when creating a new Visualization Profile for this object type.

See Also


Multilingual Support

Sidebar Settings

View Settings

Mandatory Fields Settings

Limit Settings
